Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week (9-15th May in the UK)!
Every year in May, a week is dedicated to mental health, this year with a focus on loneliness and its impact on mental wellbeing.

After the dreadful events of the past 2 years this has never been more important. Some of us have been battling relentlessly in the front line. Some of us spent weeks or months home alone. Some of us were unable to meet and hug their loved ones. Social butterflies were forced to shut down and turned into couch caterpillars. Lots of us have been grieving. It’s been tough on all of us.

Escape Rooms has been supporting Mind charity for years because of the work they do in order to spread information and support for those in need. Their statement says: “We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect.” This charity was voted for by our Game Masters and this year we put aside £500 to donate to Mind to help the incredible work they do. If you’d like to know more about Mind as a charity and how you can help, follow this link:

And in the meantime… call a loved one, go for a walk, join a class, listen to happy music, book a trip, check in on a friend, run, dance, jump around or… you know, book an escape game! 🙂 #MHAW

If you think you or someone you know is suffering from any mental problems, please ask for help!